Shivani Khot

Hi! I am Shivani.
I am an illustrator and animator from India. I have a deep love for storytelling, and I draw inspiration from my upbringing in various parts of India, surrounded by diverse landscapes and wildlife.

Currently, I work as an Editorial Art Director at Ladderworks Publishing,  and a freelance illustrator at Football Paradise, a renowned website known for its long-form articles about football.

Drawing from my foundation in animation and digital direction, I craft playful and vibrant illustrations. I have always had a strong affinity for landscapes and backgrounds but I also enjoy telling stories through characters, especially in the realm of children’s illustrations.

When I’m not immersed in the world of art, you’ll find me engrossed in books or films, enjoying music of various genres, or teaching myself to play the piano.

I’m passionate about my work and always open to creative collaborations. 🙂

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